Which MSN To Pursue – Informatics, Leadership, Or Education

Picture of Haille Trimboli

Haille Trimboli

November 11, 2021

The field of nursing is incredibly versatile. In today’s world, with the current Covid-19 pandemic, this is more true than ever! When you feel stuck, there are a variety of work environments, educational opportunities, and career advancements to pursue.

Are you a nurse and feel stuck in your current job and wondering what is next for you? Have you thought about what is next for you or where you are going with your nursing career? If you answered yes to any of these questions, have you ever considered advancing your degree?

The field of nursing is incredibly versatile. In today’s world, with the current Covid-19 pandemic, this is more true than ever! When you feel stuck, there are a variety of work environments, educational opportunities, and career advancements to pursue.

In regards to educational opportunities, a nurse can advance their degree by achieving the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Masters of Science in Nursing (MSN), and Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP). There are multiple paths to pursue in the MSN and DNP programs based on your desired goals and passions within the nursing field. These degrees offer new opportunities to the nurse, including a change to the scope of practice, work environment, and salary. While each degree takes additional time and money to achieve, the rewards are endless. Below, I discuss three MSN degrees that a nurse can pursue after completing their BSN. 

Nursing Informatics

In today’s world, where everything is so technology-driven, nurses with an MSN specializing in nursing informatics are vital in improving healthcare delivery. The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines informatics nursing as the integration of “nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, manage, and communicate data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice”. In other words, a nurse with an MSN in informatics desires to improve the delivery of patient care leading to better health outcomes through the use of technology. The nurse specializing in informatics will be data-driven, support the use of EMR records, and identify ways to improve the EMR and technology system. This is a relatively newer MSN degree compared to the other two degrees I discussed and will take approximately two years to achieve your MSN. 

Nursing Education

Nurse educators are essential when discussing the field of nursing. In the college and university setting, nurse educators educate and train future nurses to ensure that they deliver safe, high-quality healthcare as new graduates. This education is delivered in various formats including in-person or synchronous, clinical rotations and on-line.  They may also work in the hospital setting where their focus is on educating new nurses and experienced nurses to ensure competency in delivering evidence-based care. There are numerous MSN programs for nurse educators, with each typically taking 1.5 to 2 years to complete. 

Nurse Leadership 

Great nurse leaders are always needed in healthcare. While many nurses are natural leaders, specific MSN programs better prepare them for the leadership and administrative roles available to the nurse. Nurse leaders play an active part in responding to the challenges organizations face. They may lead a specific interdisciplinary team, department or even lead research projects. Regardless of the leadership role, nurse leaders play an active role in making changes to the healthcare system, including delivering care. There are many MSN programs available to nurses who desire to pursue an advanced degree in leadership and the average length of time is 1.5 to 2 years. 

As I stated previously, the opportunities for nurses are endless. They are essential in the delivery of excellent healthcare. Still, they are also a key player in improving healthcare delivery, whether in technology, education, or leadership. If you consider going back to school for one of these degrees, find a practicing nurse in the specialty you wish to pursue and ask to shadow them for a day. This will allow you to see their daily impact and help you decide the best career path for you!

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